Check the pH level
Make sure it's between 7.2 and 7.6, then boost the chlorine levels using Pool Ezy Sanitiser.
There's nothing pretty about algae in your pool. Algae are plant-like single-cell micro-organisms that are present in the air and spread by wind and rain.
In swimming pools, algae can form when protective products or Chlorine levels are low.
Pirates may fear the dreaded black spot, but Black Spot algae are easily taken care of. Black Spot algae appear in all areas of your pool. A real troublemaker, they form protective layers that make them resilient to chlorine.
Note: Black Spot treatment contains chlorine. If using large amounts due to severe infestation, check the chlorine levels after the treatment, then boost if necessary.
Mustard algae have a yellow, powdery appearance and tend to thrive in the shady part of the pool - an appropriate spot for scum to hang out. Like Black Spot algae, they have protective layers and are therefore more resistant to chlorine.
Note: All cleaning equipment should remain in the pool when treating to prevent re-infestation.
Green algae grow fast and can turn a pool green overnight. You'll want to get rid of it just as fast.
For additional preventative measures, add Phosphate Remover and Natural Clarifier.
When it comes to swimming, the only thing worse than a cloudy day is a cloudy pool. Fortunately, cloudy water is easily cleared up.
Always check the pH level of the pool to make sure it's between 7.2 and 7.6, then boost the chlorine levels using Pool EZY Purifier if necessary.
Just like your favourite t-shirt, a pool can become the victim of an unsightly stain. They are either caused by metals such as iron, copper or manganese entering the pool water or organic matter such as pigments from plants which have accumulated in the pool.
Note: All In One Stain Remover will only lift stains. Metal Remover will remove the metals to the filter and ultimately out of the pool.
Stains in Fibreglass pools could also be caused by Osmosis. Should this be the cause of the stain then the use of Fibreglass Stain Remover is recommended.
suggested products
Pure Perfection Pool
Pool Algaecide
Pure Perfection Pool
Pool Blackspot Remover
Pure Perfection Pool
Phosphate Remover
Pure Protection Pool
Pool Ezy Sanitiser
Pure Perfection Pool
Sparkle Clarifier Tablet
Pure Perfection Pool
Natural Clarifier
Pure Perfection Pool
Pool Algaecide
Pure Perfection Pool
Pool Blackspot Remover
Pure Perfection Pool
Phosphate Remover
Pure Protection Pool
Pool Ezy Sanitiser
Pure Perfection Pool
Sparkle Clarifier Tablet
Pure Perfection Pool
Natural Clarifier