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MagnaPool® Hydroxinator
There is an increasing amount of products you can find in the 'mineral pool' space, and we have been seeing some rumours circulating online about MagnaPool Minerals being artificial. Here we would like to debunk some of the most common myths and provide more clarity.
A: No. Chlorine is still necessary because the bacteria kill rate would be too slow if you only used minerals. The pool may look clear, but without chlorine, bacteria can pass from one swimmer to another before being oxidized. So to put it simply, mineral pools (including MagnaPool) all generate chlorine, any system that claims that it doesn't is not being completely honest. However, chlorine can be run to a minimum, and MagnaPool® requires fewer additional chemicals such as chlorine shock, algaecide, flocculants, etc. These advantages make MagnaPool® a treatment solution that is environmentally friendly with particularly competitive maintenance costs.
A: The short answer is no. All our minerals are collected using solar evaporation to harvest the minerals required from the seas or lakes that are obtained from them. However, MagnaPool is the only system that is sodium/salt-free, all other systems use sodium as their basis to generate chlorine. What's the big deal about sodium, well nothing really if you are after a cheaper entry-level salt/mineral pool offering, and as with saltwater pool, sodium has a tendency to cling to the hair follicles and can sometimes leave that sticky feeling, this does not happen in MagnaPool. Also, sodium-based mineral pools are not as 'environmentally friendly' as MagnaPool, in as much that the wastewater cannot be used for irrigation in your garden. As Magnapool is only magnesium and potassium, both of these minerals encourage plant life to flourish and grow strong, so the backwash water can be recycled to help reduce your environmental footprint (note that the wastewater should be diluted and stored in an offline holding tank and you must abide by council regulations).
Another misleading claim often perpetuated by many of the Dead Sea mineral systems is the claim to emulate the sensations in the Dead Sea, this is completely false as the mineral levels of the Dead Sea are around 100x more saline than your typical swimming pool.
MagnaPool®'s magnesium, on the other hand, is one of the essential minerals required for our bodies to function properly. The relaxing virtues of bathing in magnesium have been recognised for many years. In particular, we know that water enhanced with magnesium is beneficial for soothing pain and caring for the skin. All mineral pool systems have their upsides, but if you are looking for the best system that provides the best bather comfort and environmental benefits, look no further than MagnaPool®, the only true authentic mineral pool available.
For more Frequently Asked Questions, please go to MagnaPool FAQs Section.
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MagnaPool® Hydroxinator
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MagnaPool® Hydroxinator
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MagnaPool® Hydroxinator
Discontinued products
MagnaPool® Hydroxinator
Discontinued products
MagnaPool® Hydroxinator