Pure Balance Pool
Calcium Up
By now you probably know that water balance is one of the most important factors of keeping your swimming pool healthy. If you’re still confused by the cocktail of chemicals your swimming pool requires day to day to keep the water clean and balanced? Check out this quick overview regarding the most used pool chemicals and their role in pool maintenance.
Adding pool chemicals to your pool can be quite tricky. Just follow the steps below and you’ll be able to get it right, every time!
1. Test the water. By testing your pool water regularly, you can know exactly how much product to add to your pool. Under or over-dosing your pool can lead to problems that could take a long time to fix. Testing will help keep everything running smoothly and end up costing you less in the long run. Most pool stores have free water testing to give a complete diagnosis of your pool health.
2. Follow manufacturer's instructions. Remember safety first. Read the label on the packaging to ensure you have the right protective equipment. Gloves and eyewear are required for some chemicals and be careful not to breathe in any dust or fumes. The label is also a great place to find information on what to do if skin or eye contact occurs. Refer to the chemical dosage chart to determine how much of each chemical is needed. You should also add chemicals while the pump and filter are running.
3. DO NOT MIX CHEMICALS. Adding everything into the same bucket can have disastrous results. Whilst not all chemicals will react, it is better to be safe and mix the products in clean buckets with a large amount of tap or pool water (unless advised otherwise).
4. Dosing the pool. After dissolving the product, distribute it evenly around the pool whilst avoiding the skimmer box and metal fittings. Keep the pump and filter running for 4-6 hours to help disperse the chemicals. Refrain from swimming within 24 hours of adding start-up chemicals and salt.
For automatic dosers: These operate by adding liquid chlorine or liquid acid to your pool from storage containers. The precise amount is added throughout the day as your filter pump runs to keep the water healthy and balanced without having to add these chemicals manually. All you need to do is top up the containers when they get low and calibrate the sensors every few months. It is still recommended to have your pool water tested regularly to see if any other chemicals are required. Click this article to view different ways you can sanitise your pool.
In a Nutshell...
To maintain a safe and healthy swimming pool, you need to keep your pool chemicals at the following levels:
Remember, these numbers can change quickly, especially after rain. So, make sure you keep an eye on your water balance. If you'd like professional assistance, you can connect with a local expert using our Dealer Locator.
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